【同义词辨析】 2018-09-03 玩笑jest-gag

jest: applies to any utterance not seriously intended, whether sarcastic, ironic, witty, or merely playful: wry ~s that were lost on her unsophisticated friends. (witty犀利: 思维聪颖语言锐利suggests cleverness and quickness of mind and often a cutting, caustic tongue,如a film critic remembered for his witty remark一个语言犀利的影评人)   (sarcastic: 伤人的讽刺,ironic: 说话, ,playful: 喜欢玩)

joke: may apply to an act intended to fool or deceive someone, or to a story or remark designed to promote good humor: he is very good at taking a ~.

quip: suggests a quick, neatly turned, witty remark: whatever the topic, she is ready with a quick ~.    (neat干净利落,多义词但本意都是clear干净, 这里表示说话做事有条理有技巧,即干净利落利索,如watching a solitary car backing out neatly看着单独一辆车利落地倒了出来)

witticism: implies a clever and often biting and ironic remark: many felt the sting of that critic's ~s. (注意是witticism不要写成wittism)

wisecrack: suggests a sophisticated, knowing witticism and may suggest flippancy or unfeelingness: a comic known for abrasive ~s. sophisticated两个意思1世故见识广 2复杂,这里采用1) (flippancy不严肃,轻佻,如spoke of the bombing with annoying flippancy说到轰炸时显得轻佻无礼) abrasive 刮擦的伤人的

crack: implies a sharp, witty, often sarcastic remark or retort: responded to the challenge with a series of biting ~s.     (retort尖锐回应: 尖锐的报复性回话,he retorted to her every charge with biting sarcasm他讽刺地回应了她对他的每条指控)

gag: implies a brief, laughter-provoking, foolish remark or act: a frivolous person, given to ~s.

jest玩笑: 任何不严肃的话,如讽刺反讽犀利或只是玩耍,joke玩笑笑话: 表示哄骗人或讲笑话讲故事提升幽默感,quip妙语俏皮话: 反应迅速利索犀利的话,witticism犀利: 聪颖又锐利的话(参见jest条后对witty解释),wisecrack刻薄: 表示故意世故犀利的语言,无礼无情,crack同上: 尖锐犀利讽刺的话,gag轻佻: 简短好笑愚蠢的言行,表示轻佻。

记忆方法: 1)首字母JJQWWCG想成玩过家家玩纯情<==开玩笑

         2)玩笑的意思是逗人笑的言mean something said or done for the purpose of evoking laughter.